There He Kept a Garden

There He kept a garden deep in to his heart;

Planted with care & showered with passion,

There a blooming rose has been given her life’s start;

Glory dyed her tiny petals down his mansion

To her royal tenderness, Sunshine bows;

Stamping immortality to her unique fragrance,

Presenting it the bless of healing wherever flows,

And whenever does, flutters the reality of existence…

“Cupids Garden” painting by J.W. Waterhouse

There He kept a garden deep in to his soul;

And there the crowned rose spreads out her leaves

In a prayer: so never knocks his gates any fall,

And heavenly guardians keep his smile, so he never grieves,

For his smile was the only Spring, the only Sunshine;

Curing what life’s daggers had carved so deep,

His touches; some kind of divine wine

Willing to set life, in innocence, put in to its last sleep…

There He kept a garden deep in to his veins;

Where passion flows the most generous streams

Along with rare purity to wash out hard destiny’s stains;

Changing the darkest nightmares in to ever-green dreams…

There He kept a garden deep in to his mind;

Where blooms a story of loneliness with love he has

There He kept a garden stealing sight to gift it to the Blind;

HE: the Garden & the Gardener & Me: the only Rose I was…