A Wizard with no Magic Stick

What type of angels are you?

If it’s a secret; oh just give me a clue…

Sun conceals to the golden honey of your hair

Sand against your barefoot in massaging develops flair

Sky dyes her feather stealing blue from your eyes

And to your wink, blush butterflies

You cross summer, and bushes turn trees

Erasing hotness by gentle breeze

And in winter as you walk a street

Rain stops, and storms retreat

What type of angels are you?

If it’s a secret; oh just give me a clue…

Painting by Molly Brill

Like a wizard however showing no trick

You sprinkle peace waving no magic stick

And every time I feel down

You show up drawing a frown

Breaking no silence, you spread your wings

I run and hide where dwell fresh springs

I cry rivers and you squeeze me in much care

Your tender fingers erase pain as climb my hair

For the rivers to go dry, you patiently wait

Then tenderly you say; “I’m all ears mate”

What type of angels are you; ages report

I’m a sailor, and you’re an ancient port

Non-breakable is our bond; new ports ain’t seduce my ship

Of your blood I drank, and you drank of mine as we signed friendship

Epics of Mystery

A Wizard; who else you could be!

Knocking my Gate from behind the seventh Sea

Whispering no word yet weaving ages: Epics of Mystery

A Goddess in the Lost Land of Eden; me, you paint

When I’m no Goddess not even a kin of a Saint

“Flowing Dreams” Painting by Glen Tarnowski

An Angel destined to sprinkle blesses over the homeless

When I’m broken-winged and only my chains are chainless

Dressing me the shimmering armor of a Warrior of Light

When I’m a war-announcer only when myself is the one to fight

Sculpturing me a statue of wisdom

When my pilgrimage fails reaching the outer walls of its kingdom

Wedding me to the altar of Peace

When even my every fiber aches to be a whole piece

Worshipping me as a Savior of fallen Fate

When I’m the first fallen scripted on its plate

A Wizard; who else you could be!

Knocking my Gate from behind the seventh Sea

Whispering no word yet weaving ages: Epics of Mystery

Ask no seasoning of a bee weeping an empty hive

I’m just a Mermaid whose tail isn’t strong enough to cross Winter-deep alive

Ask no pollen of a Lillie raped through a storm and scared again to yield

I’m just a Fairy in short of Pixie-dust to roam the blooming Field

Ask no honey of sterile branches to birth fruits do ache

I’m just a Genie who sets free all’s dreams when hers are sentenced to the stake

A Wizard; who else you could be!

Knocking my Gate from behind the seventh Sea

Whispering no word yet weaving ages: Epics of Mystery

Last Letter to Last

Tick-Tuck Tick-Tuck; unusually slow

Perhaps tiny arms frozen under snow

Perhaps they’re renovating their ancient art

There in the heart of forest, lives a heart

Daggers of time left him lone with scars

And no more “The Countless” are only stars

Death angel early tonight has knocked his door

Saying soon his ship will leave the shore

The Angel left leaving a glimpse of light

Stealing darkness from the whole night

Few hours are left for peace to blast

Few yet enough to write a last letter to last

“Always Together” Painting by Vladimir Kush

“I’m leaving; leaving precious parts behind

The eyes I give to the blind

To those forbidden nature songs to hear,

I give a sound ear

To those of cold legs, I give warm feet

The hands to hard workers I was honored to meet

The memory to those suffering Alzheimer’s

Liver, kidneys and spine to cancer risers

The heart…excuse me; the precious can’t I give

I’ll just die with the scars as I live

Now burn the flesh; burn the trigger of lust

So from stars I’m born, and shall return to dust…

Sky Number Nine


 Flying kingdom wore no more black

As its queen from her long trip’s back

Soil under crawling snow started chanting

And woke up a dying heart to join dancing

But soon happiness cancelled its stay

Promising to show up longer another day

When a Gentle passed by asking me for few moments

Saying they’ll be more precious than Christmas ornaments

Drawing him an answer with a shy smile, he took my hand

And gently whispered, “Would you say yes if you’re asked by me forever to stand?”

“The Sun Sets Sail” Painting by Rob Gonsalves

The earlier drawn smile became so old

Faded in silence like an aging Marigold

And I was in front of two candles; to stay in light, should put off one

Love or Friendship; which has a brighter sun!

Perhaps I know nothing about the first

But friendship’s sacred and waters every thirst.

Why you’ve set my boat in the ocean of nowhere;

Rowing’s hard when you know not heading to where

You know I’d stand by you to pass any trouble,

You know whenever you’re there my smiles just double

But friendship’s got the ninth if love’s known to conquer the seventh sky

I love you, but I’d never sacrifice this bond for a try

Holy is the sun you’ve carved on your name with mine

Yet worthless sounds any sky compared to sky number nine

Taste of Love

And as Mark Twain once said:
“To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with”; and I’m lucky to have YOU, all of you, for my stay here is granted by your love, and so with you, I share the joy it brings.

Sorry for the delay in showing my appreciation to so many of you.
I’m short of time these days, but when it’s about love, it’s never too late; So…..


“The shore where we met is somewhere distant, the boat is above the wave,
In the boat we are together; my voice is sounding resonantly and easily, and the mad swell is singing together with me.

I thank you for every moment,
I thank you for the taste of love,
I thank you for the night color,
I thank you for the darkness and light.
And while my star is blazing…
I thank you for completely everything.

The boat of our souls and our feelings keeps on going its way in the ocean of life.
For nobody could overturn us; I want to dive in your thoughts.

I thank you for every moment,
I thank you for the taste of love,
I thank you for the night color,
I thank you for the darkness and light.
And while my star is blazing…
I thank you for completely everything.”

((Lyrics & Music belong to Vitas, and the underlined words written in NO Italic Font don’t belong to the song; I’ve given myself the right to create a replacement, so it fits the message I want to carry to you)) 

Special THANKS to the following Bloggers to whom I bow not only for the flood of love I’m always blessed with, but for the exquisite talent they have as well.

for The Outstanding Blogger Award

for Blogging with Grace Award

for 2012 Inspiration Award

for Reader Appreciation Award

for Thanks for Writing Award 


for One Lovely Blog Award

for The Very Inspiring Blogger

for The Sunshine Award

& again http://daabsentee.wordpress.com/
for The Versatile Blogger Award

Finally I’m certain you all know the rules for every award, so I won’t waste your time with that, and this flood of love is presented to everyone welcomed at my place of this vast Empire; you’re all nominated with love.

Love & Light